Thursday, June 17, 2010

Amanda's Baby Shower

Back in April, we found out my cousin Amanda was expecting a baby girl. She was already a few months along by the time her parents (my mom's first cousin is Amanda's dad) found out. The thing is, I didn't believe it at first. Not just because she's young (22) but because we found out on April Fool's Day! of course I spent the next few weeks still thinking it was a joke until she confirmed it herself. A new addition to the family is always welcomed and Kaeleigh Elizabeth should be making her appearance into the world on July 16.

Last weekend on the 13th, we had a baby shower for her upstate where she lives. It was a pleasant afternoon.

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First stop is at my Tante Heide's house (Amanda's Oma).
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My Tante Sieglinde made this in a matter of days!
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My mom can't handle the cuteness of this bootie.
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It looks like Tante Heide is about to clock Alex in the head with the...clock.
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Scenes from a baby shower...
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Amanda & her sister Morgan
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Haha...Chelsea is a good helper.
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Guest of honor: Fergie
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

In Memory of Jennifer Esposito

Death is a funny topic. It's a fate we're all going to meet sooner or later but just thinking about it can be scary. How or when are we going to go? Are we going to accomplish all the things we want to before it happens?

The reason I have this on my mind is because the sister of my dear friend Kim, passed away in the early hours of Saturday, the 12th, from Leukemia. Jenn was only 28 and suffered for a whole year. From the start, the doctors said her chances of surviving were only 20% but with a bone marrow transplant in December, things really started to look positive. It was miraculous enough that they found a perfect match in "Fred", the name the Esposito family dubbed the donor. But the effect of the transplant didn't last long. Her condition worsened. When I last spoke to Kim a week ago, she told me that Jenn had only a matter of days. I was in shock. I knew she had been sick but I thought for some reason, another miracle was on it's way.

It was not meant to be.

I don't know why some people go sooner than others. I don't think we're supposed to know those kind of things anyway. Maybe when we die ourselves we'll know a little better how God works but I do know this: good people suffer on earth so their suffering in Purgatory is shorter. A minute there feels like years! A week feels like centuries. The more they suffer on earth, the quicker their trip to Heaven is.

Of course, you may just believe when you die, you stay in the ground to decay but I wouldn't be writing all this if I didn't believe it. And I hope the Esposito family takes comfort in knowing that the whole year Jenn suffered wasn't for nothing. That girl was incredibly brave. To be told you only have a 20% chance of survival? And then be able to smile, laugh and joke after that? I don't know how I'd be but I do know Jenn handled it a lot better than someone people might. Though she was human and scared of what lay ahead, she was still a trooper. I hope to walk in her name this coming October with Kim, family and friends.

Her wake last night was tough and I can't imagine what the funeral will be like but I do know that the family is a rare breed and they'll pull through. Her life here may be over but her memory is forever.

Rest in Peace Jenn
12/31/81 - 6/12/10

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

MDW Beach Visit

John gladly drove us to Long Beach.
We passed a church...
...and some cute pooches.
We finally approach the beach. Sand and surf are in our near future.
The beach isn't too packed when we arrive.
The BFF is ready.
And so is this pale chick -_-
Elisa, Delina and John lie out in the sun but it proves to be too hot for Tiff & I so we talk a walk along the shore.
The water was too cold to go into. But pretty to look at.
The next few pictures are just random things I saw on the beach.
(Well, maybe my foot isn't random, nor the seaweed stuck to it LOL)
You can see John in the distance as we make our way back, sipping his water, haha.
Camera war.
Somewhere between 12:30 and 1, we left the beach and drove over to Ralph's Ices. Perfect summer treat.
It's tough choosing out there, LOL.
Mhmm. Coconut/nut mix ice which Tiff shortly after traded for my java chip ice. It worked out perfectly because I wasn't feeling the java after all and she didn't realize there would be actual nuts in the other (she's allergic).