This year was no exception. We had a feast around 1:30PM (we always eat early) then gathered in the living room upstairs to check out the new Wii Fit. That thing is amazing. It changes your Mii to look like the weight/shape you are after doing the Wii Fit test. Even though my balance is terrible (which I already knew haha) it said my Wii Fit age was 25. Score! The games were the best part -- skiing, skateboarding, balance tests, hula hoops, soccer (I hold an undefeated record!), etc.
It was so much fun that day; I was sad to have to leave. That leads me to the start of my list...
What I'm Thankful For
...that God put me here on this earth. He could have easily decided not to let me born. Instead, he sent me to be the head of the Corrigan siblings. It is a blessing in disguise being the oldest. You worry about everyone. But they look up to you. Their love is unconditional. I am grateful for them. Each one of them (there's 4 of us) teach me something, through their words and actions. We may have grown up in the same household but they're all unique. I admire them.
... my parents unconditional love. No matter how much I mess up or how well I do, their love is the same. They'd walk barefoot for hundreds of miles for us, take a bullet, starve all day, if it meant helping us in some way. They were young parents that sacrificed a lot and continue to do so to this day. I've learned everything about life from these two. They deserve my utmost respect.
...being with someone who shows kindness and respect to everyone. Jonathan is one of the most genuine souls I've ever met. He is real -- he doesn't pretend to be someone he is not. He loves tradition. He's like a kid at heart. You can trust him with your secrets. He may not like coffee but hey, not everyone is perfect! ;-) We became friends so quickly because we are very alike but even though I was stubborn at first, I came around and gave him a chance and it was probably the smartest choice I made all year!
...friends who are there to lend an ear.
...Kimmie's sister Jen getting a second chance at life. Thank you "Fred." sister's love & support. We live together so that automatically earns her brownie points. It's not always easy sharing a dwelling but we make the best of it. We support each other. We listen to each other's problems when we don't want bother anyone else with them. We are a team. Anyone that puts up with my frequent FarmVille use gets an A+ in my book =P
...the roof over my head. No matter how many times I complain about the apartment we live in, it's better than on the streets.
...the food on my plate. I always have somewhere to eat, even though I can't cook to save my life. job. Even with it's crazy hours and even though it's not exactly what I need to create security in my life, it's a good job and without it, I don't know where I'd be!
....Jonathan's family. They have been so warm and welcoming, it's amazing. How would I get through the mornings without you? faith. Without it, I would drown in despair.
...God Himself. He is who I live for and although I would love to be on this earth for a long time, cannot wait to be Home with Him and His Son.