Here's what I've been up to lately.
We had dinner for Robyn at TGIFridays on her actual birthday. It was just myself, Robyn, Jonathan and my mom in attendance, as we went really late on the 28th (Sunday).
Jonathan was treated to double the kisses. Are we sure it wasn't his birthday?
Then on Monday we did a family dinner. Jonathan (not pictured) also came. We went to the Family Restaurant in Forest Hills. Fantastic Italian food!
And of course made time for the boyfriend...
On the 4th (Kimmie's actual birthday and the day after Tiffany's) my mom, Tiff, Robyn & I went to a bar near my job for a drink. We ended up get a free round of shots because there was a leak in the ceiling and it just so happened to leak into my mom's drink, haha.
Earlier that day though, I surprised Robyn with her gift: the Jodi Picoult book and the book signing. Robyn chickened out on going up to get it signed so I went up for her. I told Jodi that it was a birthday gift for my sister, who was the reason I was a fan of her in the first place! When Robyn was in high school, she asked me to read Jodi's book The Pact since she didn't have time to. I did, and fell in love! Been a huge fan ever since! Jodi was more than happy to wish her a happy birthday. House Rules is a story of a teen with Asperger's Syndrome. When his tutor is murdered, Jacob is accused. Since people with Asperger's usually have one hobby they focus on to extremes, in Jacob's case, crime scenes, his knowledge of one (and also his autistic habits like lack of eye contact) lead police to believe he could be the murderer. It's a great story from start to finish and anyone who is familiar with Jodi's work knows that the woman can WRITE!
On the 7th, Wilfredo had an Oscar viewing party. The kicker? It was held at Jonathan's, since SO many people wanted to attend and Wilfredo's apartment couldn't accomodate that many. Luckily, the Dano Dome (as J.D's basement is called) is the perfect size to host a party.
The winners of the Oscar pool.
My sister is the only person I know who'd watch Full House right before a party began!
But the day before the Oscar party, a group of us went to dinner at New Ashiya for Kim's birthday. We had all-you-can-eat sushi with sake bombs galore. Personally, I think we were ripped off a bit because it was supposed to last two hours and we definitely were there for less. Nevertheless, it was a GREAT time and I'd do it all over again! Except this time, I would cut myself off after two sake bombs LOL. Six sent me over the edge.
Birthday girl.
Me & Tiff.
Kim & Vinnie are going to have children one day with the bluest eyes you ever did see!
After dinner, the dinner gang + more went to Hi-Fi, a bar/lounge within walking distance for more drinks and fun. Let me tell you, drinking after all those sake bombs was the worst.mistake.ever. I paid for it dearly the next day. I don't think half of us remember this picture, LOL.

Besides all this, I have been taking it easy and just working. As I've blogged about for the past few entries, my main goal is saving up for the Canon Rebel DSLR. It definitely is the main motivator when I go to work and when I do side jobs. Because there are so many events coming up, it gets harder and harder to save but luckily I am almost halfway to my goal.
I still want to write about an interesting conversation Jonathan and I had last night. It was more of an argument (which makes it our second one since we started dating, LOL) but we both had valid points that I thought would make for a good entry. So, that's to come. At the moment, a slice of pizza is calling my name :)