From start to finish, minus an incident at Starbucks, yesterday was a great day. Late in the afternoon, Jonathan and I picked up my mom from work for a mall trip out to Roosevelt Field. We had to stop at Best Buy and Target first which resulted in never actually making it to Roosevelt Field Mall. However, we got the stuff we needed (both my mom and Jonathan had to get season 6 of Lost, LOL) and I picked up Sister Act 1 & 2. Been meaning to get that for a good long while. Especially in the mood to watch it as of late. Got through half of it last night, laughing my ass off at parts I completely forgot about (remember Whoopi's prayer at her first meal with the sisters? ROFL moment!) but ended up falling asleep because we put the movie on late. Looking forward to watching the rest today!
But the best news of all yesterday? I stopped by my parents' after the mall trip since Jonathan was dropping my mom off and I had to head to work shortly after. Alex came upstairs when we got in to say hello. Been awhile since I had seen her! (She is the one who got married in April). I stepped out of the living room for a minute but when I came back, she was showing my mom a small photo album. I saw a glimpse of what the pictures were....a SONOGRAM! I said "No way!" and my mom and I started yelling and carrying on, LOL. My dad came in shortly after, wanting to know what all the commotion was about. My mom, who was holding the photo album at the time, showed my dad the picture. Upon putting on his reading glasses, he looked from the picture to me and my mother, his eyes wide and face frozen. I was near hysterics at that point. He thought it was from one of us! I quickly said, "No dad, Alex!" and pointed to her. I've never seen my dad so relieved in his life LOL!!!!! We asked a million and then some questions. She's due March 10th. To say we are excited is a huge understatement!
2011 is already shaping up to be a huge year, event wise. Three (with a possible four) weddings are taking place. Two baby arrivals...and some other news on my part is, for the first time ever, I will be a bridesmaid! Remember I mentioned Anthony & Gina, two good friends of mine are getting married next year? They've asked me to be a bridesmaid and of course, I was all for it. I've been to a dozen weddings but was never IN one. Minus the time I was a flower girl at my uncle's wedding...at the age of 20...and it was a last minute thing, LOL. This will take place on October 30, 2011. Something to look forward to all year! :-)