Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 recap
Thursday, December 17, 2009
not a creature was stirring...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
many thanks...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
'tis the season

Left to right: Sal, Daniela, Christina, AnnaMarie, Rita, Mike, myself & J.D
By the way, Amazon never fails me! I scored a Yankee DVD (Fall Classics from 1996-2001) for $34 when in the Yankee Clubhouse it was marked at $80! Sweet giblets! Can't wait for this to arrive.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I dream of sandy beaches.
Funny I mentioned Thanksgiving in the post early yesterday because later that night, Alex (my aunt) and I spoke about what it would be like this Thanksgiving. Normally we do a big Thanksgiving feast around 1 or 2 then settle in for a movie that everyone agrees on. But this time, after the feast we are going to be enjoying Alex's gift to Oma, Opa and Michael (my brother). She got them the Wii Fit! With the Wii Olympic games. (I think that's the game she said she got). Those three are the biggest Wii fanatics in the house so that's why it's for them but on Thanksgiving, we're all going to enjoy it. Can't wait! The reason she is giving them their Christmas present on Thanksgiving is because Alex & Moe are going to be in Puerto Rico for 3 weeks. They leave on the 3rd and won't be back until the 28th! So sad they won't be here for Christmas. Last December, when they went to PR, my oma and I went for a week with them. We flew out the last week of their stay and came home with them. It was so much fun and I wish I could go again this year. But I have a feeling we will next winter.
Monday, November 16, 2009
sleepy woes.

Is next week actually Turkey Day?! Not sure what to make of this. Once Thanksgiving is over, you know what that means...Christmas comes out in full force. Not that it hasn't already....
I'm guilty of doing some holiday shopping already. I'm sure my aunt will love what I chose for her. Saw it yesterday while on Austin Street and couldn't pass it up! It's right up her alley.
So last night I stopped by JD's after work, just to hang out for a bit since we wouldn't have a chance to do so until late Wednesday. Felt like watching a movie so I found the '91 version of The Addams Family on MTV. Was really into thing I know, it's 7:30am!! Fortuntely JD drove me home before class so I could grab my books.
Thank God for hats, that's all I have to add.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
When they won on the 4th, there was no way I was going to miss the parade that Friday, the 6th.
old fart.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mr. November...who's it gonna be?
I feel like the anti-Yankees slurs are in full force. Haven't heard them this strong since they went against Boston in '04. There are even Yankees fans that are getting nasty with other Yankees fans. Well, not nasty but snide rather. They claim some people are not real fans and just jumping on the bandwagon of a winning team. The Yankee fans get so much grief at times, that it's best to not admit you're a fan of them at times, haha. I think the more supporters, the merrier. I think the key to keeping sane during the baseball season (at least during this point) is to avoid reading anything you know will irk you.
So it turns out having a wedding on Halloween was actually brilliant. I had so much fun and I still got to dress up, albiet not in costume. The ceremony was at 3pm at St. Andrew Avellino Church in Flushing with the reception following at 6pm in the Bronx, at the gorgeous Marina Del Rey. That place was something else. Jonathan's sister got married there two years ago and I'm sure Alexis remembered it from them. Seriously, if you are in the NYC area, I highly recommend it. Location, food, staff, atmopshere were all on their game. I will be posting pictures first chance I get.
Starbucks came out with their Christmas menu already. I'm sipping on a gingerbread latte as I type. This makes me very excited for the holidays. That and I can swear, some evenings...I can smell Christmas coming.
Friday, October 23, 2009
october magic? perhaps.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
MLB mania

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
weekend wrap up.
Here's what's been going on lately...
J.D, his parents, sister, nephew & myself tried to make a trip out to Roosevelt Field Mall yesterday, Columbus Day. But halfway there Johnny started wailing to the point where he was going red in the face! Turns out all he needed was hugs from Mommy and a good distraction. Needless to say we didn't make out to the mall but it was quite a car ride! Here he is in his uncle JD's arms after his bout of sobbing.

Robyn and I spotted Julia Stiles signing autographs after a night show of Oleanna, the new play over at the Golden Theatre. (Where Avenue Q used to be before it went back to Off-Broadway). My sister was hilarious, she goes "Yup, she has no boobs" after taking a quick look at her. (Typical Robyn). I have to say, J.Stiles looks exactly the same in person as she does on the big screen.

Last Saturday, AnnaMarie celebrated her birthday at 230 5th, a rooftop bar/indoor club. Her sister celebrated her birthday last spring and I celebrated Halloween there last year. It's a pretty popular place, even though the kicker is it looks like an ordinary office building from the outside! We had a gorgeous view...

Thursday, October 1, 2009
thursday woes
But when your one History class is every Friday, you're stuck. I thought I had all week to review my notes but the damn week just flew by!! I've been in college since '03! You'd think I'd know better LOL.
So have I mentioned I have a wedding to attend on Halloween? Yup! Jonathan's cousin Alexis is marrying Gaetano on the 31st. I love weddings -- plus Alexis & her soon-to-be husband are great together. I'm happy to celebrate with them. Too bad Kim & Vinnie are having a house party that night!! I highly doubt I will make it, however, if Jonathan & I are lucky enough, we'll get to go out that night in costume and meet up with K&V and company.
I don't know what I'm going as. Actually that's a lie; I'm planning on Tinkerbell but i'm gonna need a backup if it doesn't work out. Maybe Olive Oyl. I can see Jonathan pulling off Popeye, voice and all. (Not that they share a voice but he's very good at imitating people.)
My dad turned 46 yesterday so we celebrated with a dinner and cake. My mom and I started cooking a German meal around 4:30. 4 hours later it was done! We didn't expect it to take so long. Oma helped and so did Alex, who Jonathan & i bumped into en route to the supermarket. For the cake we had Black Forest (not surprisingly -- we wanted to keep up with the German theme). Jonathan loved spending time with my family and the feeling was mutual. My dad also gave me, Chris and Jonathan great advice concerning our futures, jobs, life in general. Whenever my dad talks, you can't help but listen. He is someone who has lived his life and experienced/seen a lot so you know everything he says is true and can be trusted. I am proud and happy to call him my dad.
Back to Kim for a second, she saw Hamlet last night and based on her positive review of Jude's performance ("amazed at his range") I am itching to see it before it ends in December! Maybe I'll go around my birthday. Although I really want to see Rock of Ages. And by really I mean badly.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Late night hijinks
Last night there was a screening for 'Paranormal Activity.' It was like a documentary style movie but with a cast of just 2 main characters and one supporting character. This is no Blair Witch Project though. You know it's not real going into it, the acting (on the wonan's part) leaves little to be desired and the scares are far and few in between. But not gonna lie, I did get scared a few times! My favorite was when Tiffany screamed LOL. If you haven't heard about Paranormal Activity, I suggest watching the trailer. I doubt this movie is going to get a nationwide release. Although if it does, I'm curious to see how well it does.
But what made the night so interesting was the 6 hour wait time! I don't have enough fingers and toes to count all the people who asked me what I was on line for. I was waiting with not only Tiff but Anthony (a friend of Jonathan's, not the usual Ant Ive mentioned before), his girlfriend Bryn (what a sweetheart!) and their friend Jared (who was also so nice). I'm glad they joined us; it made the wait time go by so much faster. We were joking we would tell the people who asked us what we were on line for that we were waiting to see a porno. Another was, auditioning for American Idol. Would love to have seen the looks on their faces after that!
Last Sunday, the Great Irish Fair came to Coney Island and my parents, Michael and myself went. It was SO hot that day. I don't think i've ever experienced heat like that in mid-September. Needless to say, we all got burnt. I started peeling yesterday. At least i've got a bit of color hehe.
September also seems to be a big party month. It started off with Jonathan's big party at Sutton Place and this weekend alone there are 4 places I have invites to. Tonight is my friend Max's listening party that is going on in 2 boroughs, neither one that I'll be in tonight! Also it's Jaime and her twin brother's birthday gathering at a bar in the Upper East Side. Definitely going to stop by hers, not too sure about Max's. What makes it so tough to go out this weenend is that I am doing the morning shift so, since I gotta be out the door by 7, staying up all night partying doesn't sound so fun anymore.
Good thing I have to stay overnight in the city! tattoo in the works. The design is actually the same as my father's from 1985. My birth year! It's off a cross with two hearts on it. I think it's amazing my dad still has the original sketch the artist drew! Not only that but my mom designed it; it just makes it that more special. I was thinking around the time of my birthday would be an ideal time. We'll see.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Must be the changing of the seasons...
*I should note I am telling the story from what I remember. I'm sure my mom could tell it so much better!
When my mom became pregnant with her last child (Michael) there was a lot of complications. Mom spent most of the summer of '91 in the hospital. The doctors told my parents that they would have to abort the baby or else my mom would die. My dad was devastated but abortion was not an option for either of them. So my dad did what anything Catholic would do in times like this: turn to God. He prayed the Rosary every day that both would survive. The reason why the pregnancy was so high risk was because the sac burst and obviously a baby cannot survive without that protective layer in the womb.
Michael was born on September 16, 1991. His due date was December 3rd. That's the day he came home! It truly was a miracle that Michael wasn't born severely handicapped or mentally retarded. That is why he is named after St. Michael -- he is a saint who, without a doubt, listened to my parents prayers and had a hand in God's miracle. He is special needs though. I don't know quite how to explain what exactly makes him special needs, besides him learning at a much slower pace than other 18 year olds. Michael is also deaf. He can speak because we are a speaking family but he is fluent in ASL and goes to a school where they sign, even though it's mixed with a regular highschool. My family does sign at random though, picking up some phrases was inevitable. Mikey doesn't like to sign at home though; he gets embarassed. I LOVE it though! I can never get him to teach me, except for the time it took him a half hour to get him to teach me 'dancing with the stars'. (Can you tell I like the show?)
Michael started a job today! The school places the students in various jobs once they're old enough. He really wanted to work at the store in his school but they reserve that for the more severely handicapped kids. Instead they have him working at a senior center for 1 hour every day. He'll be making about $150 a week. I am so happy for him! Not gonna lie, I was so nervous at first. And so was he!! But he liked it and so that's a good sign.
I don't think Michael will ever live on his own. My dad has told me in the past they accepted that a long time ago. I think it takes special kind of people to accept and even embrace that. God forbid anything happens to my parents. I am pretty much (being the oldest) next in line to take care of him. Wow! What a thought. I made a deal with God a long time ago. Don't take my parents before Michael. If they gotta go, we all go together LOL.
On a more serious note, as crazy as our lives have been because of michael, we wouldn't have it ANY other way. My life is better because of my him, I have so much more patience because of him and I've learned to appreciate the small things in life because of him.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Technology. Gotta love it
Jonathan sent me a link today, about a deal Disney is having until November 24th. For 5 nights you spend a little over $500 for a package plan. We keep saying we wish we could go back. Boy, do I! That would be a sweet birthday present (mine is November 8). I think the best time slot would be spring break. This summer my entire family, Oma & Opa included, are cruising on the new Norwegian Epic ship. At least that's the plan thus far. I really can't stand cruises but this ship looks, well....epic!
Fashion Week has been hitting New York full force as of late and I've been living vicariously through a dear friend of mine who is interning at a modeling agency. If all goes well, I may attend a fashion show with her before it all ends on Thursday! Never thought I'd ever attend one! I hope this turns into a paying gig for my friend. She deserves a break (and a paycheck!)
The San Gennaro feast is back. It has to be one of my favorites. For starters, I love Little Italy. Row after row of Italian restaurants crammed into narrow streets, made even more narrow by all the booths at the feast, the smell of all that Italian food is irresistable. I went last night on a full stomach and boy, did I regret that. Good thing I'm going again on Friday...and Saturday! This time I will do it right. Not too sure what Saturday's dinner plans entail but Friday we (JD, Karina, Billy and myself) are going to Vincent's. They are known for their outta-this-world tomato sauce.
Now that I've got an end date to my time at my current school (last semester will be next fall) I look forward to going to class because it's one day closer to finishing LOL. I don't know if I want to go back to Queens College though. I was curious about going to St. John's University. My father actually attended the school for 6 months in the 80s and told me recently it was a big party school. Apparently there is a bar on campus! Not near it but inside of it. Not sure if it's still there today but them Catholic schools sure know how to party. I should know. My highschool (a Catholic one as well) LOVED drama/scandal. That's not a knock on Catholic schools -- I am forever grateful my parents sacrificed so much to keep me in one -- but the students seem to be the most rebellious when under strict rules! Anyway, as far as where I'll continue on for my B.A, I'll play it by ear. I'm sure I'll have plenty to think about, being stuck on that cruise ship this summer... :-P
October seems really promising. I am 99% sure I am getting another tattoo, my aunt & uncle are coming in from North Carolina because my beautiful cousin Sierra is being baptized here, my grandma has a birthday, Mika is performing in the city on the 16th, Fright Fest, Alexis' wedding and...Halloween! Both, by the way, fall on the same day. What a way to end that month!
Ok, time to hit the hay. These dark circles under my eyes aren't doing me any justice!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
smell the coffee...
Friday, September 4, 2009
glucklich freitag!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
and then there were three.
Friday, August 21, 2009
home is where the pen is.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
evil is hot.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
just eat it.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
got that pesky travel bug.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
"i'm an orphan!"
Orphan was such a sick movie. I saw it with Robyn and Tiffany on Friday and by the end of the movie we were all practically yelling at the screen. I kept thinking to myself, "kill whoever you want, just don't kill the little girl!" She was THAT adorable. (The little girl I mention would be the biological daughter of the couple). I highly suggest watching it if you want a good scare! The twist definitely surprised me but I don't know how I didn't think of it.
Lately I've been reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. He's worked/interviewed/followed the survivors closely since the event on April 20, 1999. Am I twisted for being fascinated with the story? I don't know...something about tragedies like that get me. I want to know what led the killers to do something like that, what the survivors were thinking while they were stuck inside that school...yeah, I'm a little looney. But regardless, the book is very well written. I highly recommend it. The story is not told in chronological order so if you don't mind jumping around a bit, time wise...
Saturday, July 11, 2009

When I was 19, I started walking for this company...that shall remain unnamed, just in case they find this blog, should they Google themselves. I worked for them for a year as a dog walker. Company drama aside, it was a great job. I got to walk around the city all day and meet all these great dogs AND get paid for it! After a year, I left to go back to school. But that started a great chain of events which led to private dog walking. I don't do much anymore but a year ago, I met a very cool person who needed me to walk her dog. I've been with them ever since! I'll be seeing a lot of Jorda (the dog pictured) this summer, which is great because I haven't seen her since Easter and miss her terribly! I believe I have mentioned her in a previous post. She is a boxer/pit bull mix and so sweet...until she sees a squirrel, or another dog. But she loves humans. She comes off as intimidating and aggressive but she's really not. Unless you mess with her, hehe.
Btw...I am heading to Hershey Park on August 8th! (Saturday) I will be there until Monday, the 10th. Hotel has been booked! J.D's parents said we could take one of the cars so you know what that means...road trip!!! We searched bus and train info and the times and prices were a bit iffy, times especially. One bus ride would have taken 1 day. ONE DAY! From New York City to Pennsylvania? You've gotta be kidding me. But I am very excited, to say the least.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
This is the robin bird on my back -- 6/26 by Eric Edwards at True Blue.
a man who was a living angel.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
oh summer, where art thou?
So I stayed in for the 4th, save for dinner at a new diner in Forest Hills with J.D. I'm glad I went to the pool party yesterday, Kimmie's pool parties never disappoint! Also she & I had a delicious lunch over at The Perfect Pint. The Asian Calamari salad is amazing. Go there if you're ever in the 'hood!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
how i met my favorite vacation spot.
Monday, June 8, 2009
for every generation, there is born a...

A few days ago, I went to City Island, which I'm not even sure I knew existed. It's a part of the Bronx and consists mainly of one main road. I went with J.D & his parents to a restaurant called Sammy's Fish Box, towards the end of the island. In fact, you can see the water from where we sat outdoors. Can I just say, their shrimp scampi is beyond delicious! I may have gained 400lbs while there but it's the best 400lbs ever =P J.D's dad put it best when he said it feels like we're on vacation while there. Speaking of vacation...11, yes 11 more days left until the Orlando trip!
Yesterday, Times Square hosted their first Tony Award viewing/party. It was great! At first the crowd was bare. But as it got closer to show time, the crowd really picked up. By 8pm, it was packed. It made watching more enjoyable because the crowd gets into it and it's just all around fun. I'm definitely going to do it again next year. The opening number was amazing -- Liza, Elton John and all these other Broadway stars on one stage made for an interesting number. Karen Olivo took home the trophy for most tear worthy acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actress in a Musical and I really enjoyed the Rock of Ages performance. That and Next to Normal. Too many shows that need to be seen!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
LBD (little beach dress)
Great news for NYC'ers: SoHo now has a Hollister store! 600 Broadway.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
B is for Baptism.
On Sunday, John Jr. had his Christening in Brooklyn. It was very much an all day affair but no complaints here! He is such a sweet baby. At almost 4-months old, he is growing so nicely. And he is so damn cute! No really, I have never seen a bad photo of him. So photogenic. Okay, I'm going to stop gushing about him; I make it seem like he's my own haha.
Baby John invites you into this photo post...
In his car seat, ready to get baptized.
We had 3 hours to kill between the house and the reception so we went back to the house.
Later at the reception...
Lauren & Ryan make an appearance! (Erica is Ryan's Godmother. Lauren is the BFF)