I was recently thinking about the fact that I rarely see my parents anymore. So when I learned they were going to Mohegan Sun next weekend, I jumped at the chance to go with them. It'll just be the two of them, Michael (the baby of the family) and me. It's going to be very tame but that's exactly what I need! My dad just wanted to be by the pool while my mom is gonna be the butterfly that goes from place to place. I definitely get a little of that from my mom. As Jonathan tells it, I always have to be some place. =P My dad & Michael are going to try to score WWE tickets at the Mohegan Sun Arena for the 3rd of August but I highly doubt there will be any left. If they do succeed though, I bet non existant money my mom's gonna want to do a little shopping spree. I am all for that =D
Orphan was such a sick movie. I saw it with Robyn and Tiffany on Friday and by the end of the movie we were all practically yelling at the screen. I kept thinking to myself, "kill whoever you want, just don't kill the little girl!" She was THAT adorable. (The little girl I mention would be the biological daughter of the couple). I highly suggest watching it if you want a good scare! The twist definitely surprised me but I don't know how I didn't think of it.
Lately I've been reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. He's worked/interviewed/followed the survivors closely since the event on April 20, 1999. Am I twisted for being fascinated with the story? I don't know...something about tragedies like that get me. I want to know what led the killers to do something like that, what the survivors were thinking while they were stuck inside that school...yeah, I'm a little looney. But regardless, the book is very well written. I highly recommend it. The story is not told in chronological order so if you don't mind jumping around a bit, time wise...
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