Every season, I think, my dad receives a newsletter/booklet from The Universal Living Rosary Association or ULRA and I always look forward to it because it has some great stuff inside. For Spring of '09, they have what they call Daily Duties. If you are not Catholic but are curious, feel free to read! Actually feel free to read whether you are human or alien, red or blue LOL.
As soon as you awake, make the Sign of the Cross and say "Oh my God, I offer Thee all that I am, and all that I have, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Arise diligently and punctually at the appointed time, Dress with modesty. Kneel before a Crucifix or a picture of Our Lady, and say the Morning Prayers.
Attend daily Mass as often as you can. It is by far the best and most profitable of all devotions.
Seek always to live in the presence of God. Take great care to sanctify all of your actions by offering them to God. Give them into Our Lady's care by praying the Hail Mary before, during and after each duty of your day.
Do all things in moderation, desiring always to please God, whether you are eating, drinking, sleeping, at work, or in recreation. Say the Grace before and after meals faithfully.
Spend at least a half hour in good spiritual reading from the Gospels, lives of Saints, and other spiritual works. Doing this will nourish your faith and piety and will serve to arm you in battle against the false maxims of the world.
Avoid those companions who are danger to your soul. Keep a strict guard over all your senses. Curb your tongue. Don't be idle.
Waste no time in profane or light reading, which too often is poison to the soul.
When tempted to sin, make the Sign of the Cross and immediately call upon God to help you.
Do not be discouraged if you have the misfortune to fall into sin, but quickly cast yourself down in spirit at the Feet of Christ and humbly beg His pardon. In the case of mortal sin, make an act of perfect contrition and then receive the Sacrament of Confession as soon as it is possible.
Try to make at least a quarter of an hour's meditation each day. Think upon the Passion of our Lord, the virtues or the sorrows of Our Blessed Mother or the virtues of one of the holy Martyrs or Saints.
Accept all trials and humiliations which God may send humbly and with resignation saying: THY WILL BE DONE!
Make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament during the day, if possible. Never fail to pray the Rosary every day, and meditate upon its Mysteries.
Finish the day as it was begun, by kneeling to say your night prayers. Make an examination of conscience, and humbly ask God pardon for the faults of the day.
Go to Confession and receive Holy Communion at the very least once a month and on principal feasts. If you can make a spiritual retreat each year, make every attempt to do so.
Offer your life in sacrifice to God, especially when you are sick. It is most important to prepare for your death during your Day of Prayer each month. When you are very will, when death seems imminent, make haste to receive the Sacrament of Extreme Unction as soon as possible!
Whew! Congrats if you made it this far. If you skimmed, it's all good LOL. If you're not reading this part at all, oh well. This sounds like a lot, and it can be overwhelming, but I hope to apply these little by little. I call this food for soul.
In other news, I may be going to Orlando this summer! We'll see how that goes. I haven't been to Disney World since 2001, in which I had my first plane ride (pre September 11, that is). I'm looking forward to it, God willing it happens!
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