I was recently thinking about the fact that I rarely see my parents anymore. So when I learned they were going to Mohegan Sun next weekend, I jumped at the chance to go with them. It'll just be the two of them, Michael (the baby of the family) and me. It's going to be very tame but that's exactly what I need! My dad just wanted to be by the pool while my mom is gonna be the butterfly that goes from place to place. I definitely get a little of that from my mom. As Jonathan tells it, I always have to be some place. =P My dad & Michael are going to try to score WWE tickets at the Mohegan Sun Arena for the 3rd of August but I highly doubt there will be any left. If they do succeed though, I bet non existant money my mom's gonna want to do a little shopping spree. I am all for that =D
Orphan was such a sick movie. I saw it with Robyn and Tiffany on Friday and by the end of the movie we were all practically yelling at the screen. I kept thinking to myself, "kill whoever you want, just don't kill the little girl!" She was THAT adorable. (The little girl I mention would be the biological daughter of the couple). I highly suggest watching it if you want a good scare! The twist definitely surprised me but I don't know how I didn't think of it.
Lately I've been reading Columbine by Dave Cullen. He's worked/interviewed/followed the survivors closely since the event on April 20, 1999. Am I twisted for being fascinated with the story? I don't know...something about tragedies like that get me. I want to know what led the killers to do something like that, what the survivors were thinking while they were stuck inside that school...yeah, I'm a little looney. But regardless, the book is very well written. I highly recommend it. The story is not told in chronological order so if you don't mind jumping around a bit, time wise...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009

When I was 19, I started walking for this company...that shall remain unnamed, just in case they find this blog, should they Google themselves. I worked for them for a year as a dog walker. Company drama aside, it was a great job. I got to walk around the city all day and meet all these great dogs AND get paid for it! After a year, I left to go back to school. But that started a great chain of events which led to private dog walking. I don't do much anymore but a year ago, I met a very cool person who needed me to walk her dog. I've been with them ever since! I'll be seeing a lot of Jorda (the dog pictured) this summer, which is great because I haven't seen her since Easter and miss her terribly! I believe I have mentioned her in a previous post. She is a boxer/pit bull mix and so sweet...until she sees a squirrel, or another dog. But she loves humans. She comes off as intimidating and aggressive but she's really not. Unless you mess with her, hehe.
Btw...I am heading to Hershey Park on August 8th! (Saturday) I will be there until Monday, the 10th. Hotel has been booked! J.D's parents said we could take one of the cars so you know what that means...road trip!!! We searched bus and train info and the times and prices were a bit iffy, times especially. One bus ride would have taken 1 day. ONE DAY! From New York City to Pennsylvania? You've gotta be kidding me. But I am very excited, to say the least.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
This is the robin bird on my back -- 6/26 by Eric Edwards at True Blue.
But at first it was a bloody mess. Doesn't it look like a bird walked on my back?
My mom got the same thing on her ankle. It's funny how differently ours healed.
a man who was a living angel.
The library has always been one of my favorite places and I hadn't been for the longest time. A few days ago I went and boy am I glad, because I spotted The Book of Mychal by Michael Daly. I am just about done with it and let me tell you...it's one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. I feel so sad I never had the opportunity to meet Father Mychal Judge. The worst part is, it was possible. He was a friar over at St. Francis of Assisi Church on W 31st street. That has to be one of my favorite churches in the world. You wouldn't expect there to be a beautiful church in the middle of Herald Square but it is. My dad introduced me to the church a few years ago but unfortunately Mychal passed away on 9/11 so any chance of meeting him will have to wait until I kick the bucket, LOL. You may or may not have heard of this priest but I am 100% sure you have seen this picture.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
oh summer, where art thou?
Prior to the weekend arriving, it was shaping up to be a great one. Pool party on Friday, house party for the 4th of July on Saturday...but then something happened. It all started on the 26th of last month when my long awaited tattoo appointment arrived. (P.S it hurt like a bitch but the result was great!!) Because it's on my left shoulder, I kept wearing tank tops during the healing process. That normally wouldn't be a problem. I mean, it's summer right? Mother Nature did not get the memo and lately it's been kinda chilly at times so I think not dressing 'warm' enough this past week wore down on my immune system. Friday morning I felt a little under the weather but thought nothing of it. By the afternoon, I knew something wasn't right. After 2 or so hours, most likely more, in the hot tub I had to get out. Everything was achey and I felt feverish. By the time I got back in Jonathan's car to go home, I was a shakey, achey mess. I slept at my parents' (just in case something happened, you never know) that night and woke up to my dad giving me a fluffy pillow and some Aleve. I sound like such a baby LOL, but sometimes its nice to be babied.
So I stayed in for the 4th, save for dinner at a new diner in Forest Hills with J.D. I'm glad I went to the pool party yesterday, Kimmie's pool parties never disappoint! Also she & I had a delicious lunch over at The Perfect Pint. The Asian Calamari salad is amazing. Go there if you're ever in the 'hood!
So I stayed in for the 4th, save for dinner at a new diner in Forest Hills with J.D. I'm glad I went to the pool party yesterday, Kimmie's pool parties never disappoint! Also she & I had a delicious lunch over at The Perfect Pint. The Asian Calamari salad is amazing. Go there if you're ever in the 'hood!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
how i met my favorite vacation spot.
The last time I updated was almost a month ago! Holy cow. I completely blame it on the lack of computer. My beloved 'top passed away last number and it just never seemed like the right time to buy. I was going to use my vacation check to purchase one this week but my old friend tuition called and the opportunity for a new one passed me by yet again.
The Disney World trip was in one word: magical. Because it really is the most magical place on Earth! Who first started saying that? Walt himself? Whoever it was...they hit the nail on the head. Love love love that place!! We stayed for 5 days and 4 nights at the Pop Century. Nothing but good things about that place. My only regret was we didn't stay longer to really explore the hotel. So in January we are going again. For a week. If everything works out okay, we'll book it by November. (I was gonna keep it on the DL as not to jinx it but when do I ever keep things on the DL!)
Tower of Terror was by far my favorite ride. The suspense, the scary theme, the free fall...I laughed the entire ride! I think I was so scared, I became hysterical with laughter. I had to buy the picture at the end of the ride because it came out so damn funny. There was a 4 year old girl in the back row who looks more calm than myself and Jonathan combined! Actually she looked...bored. Clearly she's been on it more times than I have! (A grand total of one at this point.)
Will update when I have more time. Right now I am using the public computer at the library. How...ghetto. =P
By the way, if you haven't been watching How I Met Your Mother I suggest starting now. Best show ever!!!!
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