pre-bar dinner, just the two of us. the food at Nick's Bistro (on Metro) was fantastic. Great service & atmosphere too.

Mom, Keiko, and Robyn @ The Whiskey Tavern, where we rang in the new year. My dad was home, asleep! Haha. Robyn (my sister) and Keiko have been friends since Kindergarten.

Me & Tiff. We met in the 6th grade and became closer in the 8th. One of those friends you know will be around forever :-D

Me & my brother, Chris. Very glad he came out as well. Also this photo is rare...because he hardly ever poses!

My mom wanted to get a round of shots for everyone so I suggested lemon drops. She was hooked! They are great, light shots to do. The sugar + lemon makes it even sweeter.

Kim, Vinnie (her boyfriend) and Mike...not sure what Mike is doing but it makes for a great photo!

Kim, Sara (she recently became engaged!) & myself.

The funny part is, the similar expressions we all have were not planned at all. I had a good laugh when I looked at this!

I spent 4 years in Times Square on New Year's Eve and let me tell you, I was SO glad to be inside a warm, toasty bar with people I love as opposed to freezing my ass off for hours outside. I recommend doing it at least once in your lifetime. But 4 times...is a bit too much.
Needless to say, that was a great start to the New Year. Upon reflecting on the past year, especially in the last entry, I feel like I focused too much on my relationship with Jonathan. But then I had to remind myself, while I had an amazing year otherwise, he was a huge part of last year that changed my life significantly. I met a lot of people (in '08) through him and that didn't change last year either. Between our trip to Disney World and other mini adventures, something was always happening. Hopefully that continues this year.
Also, I highly recommend checking out Audrey Kawasaki's gallery downtown in Manhattan. She will be at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery until the 9th. So if you are in NYC any time before then, it's worth a look. Tiff and I went on her opening and got to meet her. She is as sweet as can be. Plus, her artwork is stunning. You can find the gallery here.
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