Jonathan scored two free tickets to see Rock of Ages the musical last night. He was able to do so through a friend of his (thank you Jason!) and we were SO excited when we got the e-mail confirming the 2 tickets. I've been dying to see it for a year now. The desire to see it was even more fueled when my sister learned she'd be ushering there. She kept telling me to come and do lotto for it but I never seemed to have the time. The show did not disappoint at all. I enjoyed every minute. It was like a glorified rock concert. The finale, Don't Stop Believin' was the perfect way to end the show.
TGIMexicanFriday! What perfect way to start the weekend but with margaritas & Mexican food at Caliente Cab? One of my favorite Mexican restaurants in the heart of the West Village. Oh yeah! I don't know what it is about the atmosphere of a good Mexican restaurant that gets me excited but it does.
Jonathan finished the editing for The Insiders last week and we premiered it last Friday, the 30th of April. "Help Unwanted" was received with a lot of laughs. A good time to be had by all. I had a small speaking role in this episode, as "Bridgette", J.D's neighbor. We tried to set it up in a way so that she could appear in the next episode. I remember I didn't want to say my line (I make a joke about J.D wearing an Elvis suit) but Jonathan assured me it would be a) funny and b) natural. I think my blooper got more laughs than the actual line, hahaha. Jonathan did a phenomenal job on the editing and overall episode, as did Sal and Mike. I can't wait until the second premiere party. It's fun to see how people react to it. Plus, I actually want to see it again!

Lately, I've been having a Friends marathon and I've gotten up to season 3. I've always loved the show but lately I've grown to have a real appreciation for it. Ross and Rachel's story (before they got together) really reminds me of Jonathan & I. That line where Ross tells Rachel to "start looking" at him that way was something Jonathan said to me back in the day, LOL. It worked (and hopefully he doesn't kill me for posting that, hahaha)
I recently applied to LaGuardia's 2-year photography program. I wanted to try something new and really challenge myself. Wish me luck!!
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