Lately I haven't been feeling all too well and have been laying low so that I can be 100% for the Orlando trip (18 days left!). Fortunately I am not ill with a flu or anything, more so just nausea and a headache, so thankfully I've been able to go out and enjoy this beautiful start to the summer we are having!

The day before Memorial Day, Tiffany, John, Delina, Elisa and I went to Long Beach. It was a gorgeous day for the beach, though incredibly hot so we only stayed for a few hours. I was back in time to get ready for Jonathan's cousin, Ashley's, graduation party. It was an old school Italian restaurant in Brooklyn called Bamonte's. The day before this, Jonathan and I had another grad party to go to, for his cousin James. It was in his backyard and we stayed until around midnight. It was just family there but we had a blast. You haven't played Flip Cup until you've played with this group! The age bracket was from the 20's to the 60s and it was hilarious to see, but in a fun way.

Us at the BBQ with Sam :)
On Wednesday, Jonathan, his friend Pete and I met up with a friend of mine from Seattle, Jacob and his friend Courtney. Destination? Yankee Stadium! My second game of the season. They won against the Orioles, 9-1. Between the company, our good bleacher seats and some hecklers, I had a blast. While we were at the game, a friend of Jonathan and his sister contacted him about two free tickets they had for the following afternoon's Yankee game against the Orioles. Aimee (the friend) didn't realize he was actually at the game LOL. Talk about coincedence! Since Jonathan had work, he gave them to me. I took Tiffany, who was sick as a dog with a strep throat and runny nose but still wouldn't pass up the opportunity! I love it! (Not the being sick part of course). We had great field seats too and a nice view of Brett Gardner, LOL.
I'm itching to go to another game now. This afternoon off calls for a trip to Starbucks before another backyard BBQ today. Also, I apologize for the lack of pictures here, except for the beach photo (which is Tiff's) and the blurry iPhone shot. I haven't had a real chance to get the pictures up just yet.
Hey! If you get a chance, you should download the "Disney Attractions" app for your iphone. It tells you the wait time for different rides at Disney...You might find it useful when you go there! =D
Thanks John! I actually have a similar application!