Saturday, the 13th started off like every other morning. Shower, coffee, prayer...
...but unlike every other morning, we would be ending the day on the West Coast! Oh yeah!
Chris and Robyn met Jonathan & I at his house at 6. At least Chris did. Robyn came running down the block at 6:20, when the cab was waiting to take us to the airport! That made for some early morning amusement.
Our 8:45am flight was right on time.
I am happy to report barely any turbulence during the almost 6 hour flight. Even more so, because this was Chris' first ever plane ride!
I got a kick out of the fact that Jersey Shore was playing so early in the morning. Hey, I had 6 hours to kill! No judgment right? =P
Chrissy and Andrew met us at the airport when we arrived, although Andrew was driving around trying to find a spot for the car. We were thrilled to finally be there!!
Beautiful airport.

We had a little mishap at the car rental place when Hertz couldn't pull up our reservation. "Impossible," I said. It's definitely for today!" Indeed it was...just not for Hertz. We actually had a reservation at Avis. OOPS. We went over to the right place, only to accidentally walk into the preferred customer area. The lady took us, taking pity on us I assume, and corrected us for where to go next time. At least we didn't have to wait on a long line! I was already 0-3 at this point. Forgot to mention in the morning, I tipped the wrong guy for handling our bags. Oops, again. Mornings are not really my forte, even if I do love them.
Once we were all in our respective cars, we decided to go to Seaport Village by the San Diego Bay. I absolutely love the rental car we had.
...and the guy in it.
Driving to Seaport Village, we got into a little scare because the car would make a funny noise every time we tried to go over 40mph. Considering this was a) Jonathan's first time driving a rental car and b) first time driving in California, he and I got a little nervous. We had Andrew come in the car and try to work it out. Turns out, we had it in the wrong shift. 0-4 here...
Our first meal did not disappoint.
Too sweet! They had live music as we ate.
The ultimate irony...considering Robyn is the biggest cupcake lover you'll ever meet.
San Diego Bay
I was smitten.
First Coffee Bean visit!!
Robyn tried my blended mocha....DELICIOUS!
Big fans!
After Coffee Bean we drove to the house to drop off our luggage so we could attend Mass that evening, since the next day, there really wouldn't be any time.
The sights were oh so pretty.
Robyn and I got settled into the guest room while Chris and Jonathan camped out in the living room. The couch for Chris and the big air mattress for JD. That pig (Toffee, we named her years ago) came from NY! There was one incident back in, I want to say 2005, where Chrissy spilled a toffee nut frappuccino on it and we spent a good long while cleaning the pig in the bathtub. Since my grandma's eyesight is not the best, she walked in on us and gasped, asking what that thing was in the tub. She thought it was a real animal. Hysterical!
Time to head out to Mass...
Our Lady of Grace was beautiful. It had the most realistic crucifix I'd ever seen. Even Jonathan said the same.
It looked even prettier in the sunlight, LOL.
After Mass we had our first In-N-Out experience! The food looked a lot like Shake Shack when I first ordered. I had really hoped it didn't taste like it. Although I love Shake Shack, I wanted something different! And it definitely had it's own flavor to it.
Day One, you exceeded our expectations! The next day would have Jonathan and I driving up to Los Angeles...a much anticipated road trip.
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