Great news for NYC'ers: SoHo now has a Hollister store! 600 Broadway.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
LBD (little beach dress)
Great news for NYC'ers: SoHo now has a Hollister store! 600 Broadway.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
B is for Baptism.
On Sunday, John Jr. had his Christening in Brooklyn. It was very much an all day affair but no complaints here! He is such a sweet baby. At almost 4-months old, he is growing so nicely. And he is so damn cute! No really, I have never seen a bad photo of him. So photogenic. Okay, I'm going to stop gushing about him; I make it seem like he's my own haha.
Baby John invites you into this photo post...
In his car seat, ready to get baptized.
We had 3 hours to kill between the house and the reception so we went back to the house.
Later at the reception...
Lauren & Ryan make an appearance! (Erica is Ryan's Godmother. Lauren is the BFF)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
and the winner is...

I passed my Art History final with a B-! (And that's my overall grade). Considering I failed this class at Queens College, this is nothing short of a miracle. To say I crammed when it came to memorizing the miniscule details is putting it lightly. I am happy to say it paid off. The problem with the other Art History course was the professor over at QC was do I put this. I think he thought he was the god of Art History. He took himself so seriously and made everything complicated. My professor at QCC really broke it down and made it easy.
I also scored a B in my Critical Issues in Health class. I'll probably get something similar to this in my Sociology class (exam was today, just finished) because my last two exams I received a B. *keeps fingers crossed*
And that is the last I'll talk about school, and happily so, for the next few months because... summer vacation has officially started!!!
Oh...and I already have 4th of July plans. Some things are good to know ahead of time. BBQ in the Bronx. Hopefully Chris stays away from firecrackers this year....mwhahahaha. Let's just say last year he pulled a Jackass stunt.
And on a parting note, I leave you with a new drink I discovered and absolutely love. It's close enough to the real thing. Can't ya smell that Caribbean breeze from here?!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
the coldest story ever told.

2. One month to the day until Orlando! Can you believe it? Last month it was just a tiny seed of an idea in Jonathan's head. And now it's rapidly approaching!
3. I just finished my Art History final today know what? I think I passed!! *keeps fingers crossed*
4. Please keep an old classmate's baby son in your thoughts and prayers. William's in ICU and what with a 16 month old baby dying from the swine flu just recently in Queens, you never know what could happen. (I hate to bring up those two words but it is a possibility here.)
5. I was at Zanzibar on Friday night and really enjoyed that place! DJ was great, bartender was really cool. I suggested he make me whatever drink he wanted since I wanted something new. Don't know the name of what I was drinking but man, it tasted yummy. I'm thinking another Friday night out is in order this weekend. Last week of school, c'mon! If that's not a reason to celebrate, idk what is.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
the bell jar

The Bell Jar is supposed to be semi autobiographical. I believe this, because I was reading some of her diary entries in The Journals of Sylvia Plath and both women went through similar experiences. Even little details for Esther were things I read about in her private journal. She was 18 at the time she wrote them -- her ability to tell a story, to draw you in and her use of words are astounding. To know that she doubted! It sounds funny to me that I say I can relate to Sylvia Plath, yet I have no desire to kill myself. I feel like those thoughts consumed her. She saw it as an out, as the means to end her pain. I don't believe in easy way outs. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle. It's a shame that her life ended at such a young age because she had so much potential; I would have loved to read more from her. I didn't read much of Plath's poetry because I am not a poem person, really. (I remember dreading Poetry 101 a few years ago).
An example of one of her poems that caught my eye:
To a Jilted Lover
Cold on my narrow cot I lie
and in sorrow look
through my window-square of black:
figured in the midnight sky,a mosaic of stars
diagrams the falling years,
while from the moon, my lover's eye
chills me to death
with radiance of his frozen faith.
Once I wounded him with so
small a thorn
I never thought his flesh would burn
or that the heat within would grow
until he stood
incandescent as a god;
now there is nowhere I can go
to hide from him:moon and sun reflect his flame.
In the morning all shall be
the same again:stars pale before the angry dawn;
the gilded cock will turn for me
the rack of time
until the peak of noon has come
and by that glare, my love will see
how I am still
blazing in my golden hell.
Kinda morbid but hey, she did die by sticking her head in an oven. I give her credit for her dry wit. I found the book to be kind of comical at times.
Monday, May 11, 2009
celebrities love queens

1. Ed Burns
2. Rachael Ray. I'm pretty sure I read before that she got pistol whipped while living in Woodside. Yikes...
Other parts of Queens:
3. John McEnroe (Douglaston)
4. Nancy Reagan (Flushing)
5. Al Roker (St. Albans)
6. Lucy Liu (Jackson Heights)
7. Ethel Merman (Astoria)
8. Christopher Walken (Astoria)
9. Donald Trump (Jamaica Estates)
10. Nas (Queensbridge)
11. 50 Cent
12. Hank Azaria
13. Ray Romano
14. Jon Favreau
15. Ryan Gosling (?!!? I had no idea)
16. Debi Mazar
17. Jason Patric
18. Ja Rule
19. Martin Scorsese
20. Drea de Matteo
Although Susan Sarandon is not from Queens, she is from the NYC area and ironically enough, I saw her today standing on the corner of 14th & 6th. I was chatting on the phone with Tiffany, about to walk into Starbucks. As I grew closer I said to myself, that woman looks an awful lot like Susan Sarandon. Whaddya was. It was funny because I paused mid-sentence and kept repeating "Oh my God!" and finally Tiff said "Did you see someone?" Haha...she knows me well! The woman looks great for her age! (63). Hot diggity damn! I am a sucker for celebrity sightings.
To make this post not completely superficial, I can't believe it's been a week since Grandma Esther's passing (late Sunday/early Monday). It just seems unreal. I guess that's how it goes with any loss of a loved one.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
to the women who bore us for 9 months...
So yesterday Jonathan, his parents and myself went to Brooklyn to visit Erica, John & Johnny. It's so funny (in a good way) how excited people get around babies. The second we arrived it was all "Johnny!!" Haha...I love it. Here are some pictures from yesterday evening.
Friday, May 8, 2009
and so it goes.
I'm kinda stressing out about Mother's Day. I really wanted to get my mom tickets to see Hair which even my dad would like to see. If storks can bring babies, why can't they bring down bags of money?! Haha...that'd be nice though. I just wanted to spoil her for a little bit, since she spent 23 and a half years spoiling me! Although she'll tell you differently ;)
I'm working on this health paper for the final Health class, which is tomorrow. As much as I like my professor and the discussions, thank the Lord it's almost over! No one should have to go to school on a Saturday. Not even my worst enemy. I did find a lot of interesting facts about Woodside though (the assignment asks us to assess our communities health data.) Apparently West Queens has the highest amount of uninsured people compared to all of New York City.
This paper is sucking the life out of me.
PS it's BS that Allison is no longer on Idol. On the flip side, I didn't mind Adam Lambert so much when he was doing the duet with her. In fact, I hear they are doing it on the Idol tour. Although I think the closest it's coming to here is Atlantic City. On my brother's birthday (in August). Don't think that's his cup of tea though. I wonder who would want to go with me...any takers?
Monday, May 4, 2009
love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime...

February 25, 1923 - May 3, 2009
My favorite Grandma Esther moment has to be when she misheard Jonathan one night. Instead of hearing, "Grandma, Nicole thinks I'm corny" she heard "Nicole thinks I'm horny." We must have laughed for hours about that. Sigh.
The wake is tomorrow and the funeral, Wednesday. Jonathan's doing the eulogy and I am really looking forward to hearing it. Kleenex may be required!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
49 more days!

Baby Johnny turns 3 months today! How time flies. His Christening is on the 24th. It's going to be an all day affair, sort of. What a celebrazione! I love how it looks like I took a bite out of the side of his head. But the more I look at it, the more I see it's the light reflecting on him.