Random Thoughts:
1. I'm convinced Kris Allen is going to take the Idol crown tomorrow night. Not because I read in EW that no East or West Coaster has ever won the show (Kris is from Arkansas, Adam hails from San Diego) but because I think the novelty that is Adam Lambert is wearing off on people. I like the guy, don't get me wrong. But something about him just doesn't satisfy my Idol craving. And two words for Kris: Heartless & Apologize. Wowie. But who knows, Glambert's got enough fans to feed a small country. I still say Allison should have been in the final 2 but 4th place isn't so bad.
2. One month to the day until Orlando! Can you believe it? Last month it was just a tiny seed of an idea in Jonathan's head. And now it's rapidly approaching!
3. I just finished my Art History final today and...you know what? I think I passed!! *keeps fingers crossed*
4. Please keep an old classmate's baby son in your thoughts and prayers. William's in ICU and what with a 16 month old baby dying from the swine flu just recently in Queens, you never know what could happen. (I hate to bring up those two words but it is a possibility here.)
5. I was at Zanzibar on Friday night and really enjoyed that place! DJ was great, bartender was really cool. I suggested he make me whatever drink he wanted since I wanted something new. Don't know the name of what I was drinking but man, it tasted yummy. I'm thinking another Friday night out is in order this weekend. Last week of school, c'mon! If that's not a reason to celebrate, idk what is.
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