On Sunday night, Grandma Esther passed away. Those words are really strange to write, because she was a woman who was so full of life, even if she appeared frail. I had first met her last July, on the way to Lauren (Jonathan's cousin) & Chris' wedding. She always made me feel like I was a part of the family. And she always made sure to tell me she loved me. That is just amazing to me. For such a small woman, she had a big personality. And an even bigger heart. Last night, when we originally found out, I was having a hard time believing it. It's still hard to believe but reality is sinking in. I do know though, she is at Home with God. He was calling her and she had to answer. Rest in Peace, Esther!
February 25, 1923 - May 3, 2009
My favorite Grandma Esther moment has to be when she misheard Jonathan one night. Instead of hearing, "Grandma, Nicole thinks I'm corny" she heard "Nicole thinks I'm horny." We must have laughed for hours about that. Sigh.
The wake is tomorrow and the funeral, Wednesday. Jonathan's doing the eulogy and I am really looking forward to hearing it. Kleenex may be required!
My condolences Nicole.
ReplyDeleteNicole, thank you for this beautiful entry. She sure did love you and was so elated when I told her you and I were finally together. That says a lot about you, too.
ReplyDeleteI'm just so glad you got to meet her.
Thanks again sweetheart. <3