I passed my Art History final with a B-! (And that's my overall grade). Considering I failed this class at Queens College, this is nothing short of a miracle. To say I crammed when it came to memorizing the miniscule details is putting it lightly. I am happy to say it paid off. The problem with the other Art History course was the professor over at QC was so...how do I put this. I think he thought he was the god of Art History. He took himself so seriously and made everything complicated. My professor at QCC really broke it down and made it easy.
I also scored a B in my Critical Issues in Health class. I'll probably get something similar to this in my Sociology class (exam was today, just finished) because my last two exams I received a B. *keeps fingers crossed*
And that is the last I'll talk about school, and happily so, for the next few months because... summer vacation has officially started!!!
Oh...and I already have 4th of July plans. Some things are good to know ahead of time. BBQ in the Bronx. Hopefully Chris stays away from firecrackers this year....mwhahahaha. Let's just say last year he pulled a Jackass stunt.
And on a parting note, I leave you with a new drink I discovered and absolutely love. It's close enough to the real thing. Can't ya smell that Caribbean breeze from here?!