Monday, February 21, 2011

countdown to baby...

Yesterday we had a baby shower for my aunt that was, dare I say, a success! It was your usual baby shower complete with food, cake, games, gift opening...but something about it felt different. Probably because it was for an immediate family member. Plus, I must give a giant shout out to my mom who organized pretty much everything (with help from Alex's sister-in-law). This was the first shower my mom has ever thrown and she did a fantastic job. Check out some pictures...

It was rush to decorate before the guests arrived.


My mom made the diaper cakes - amazing.

This was only a portion of the gifts - with the 32 guests there, Alex really received everything she needed :D

Favors - baby scented candles




One of my oldest friends made it out to the shower too :D Speaking of which, Tiffany wasn't able to make it to the shower - sucked BIG time. But on the flip side, she is officially living in NYC again. *thumbs up*

Grandma & Mom

One of the games was to have an ice cube in a cup...with a baby inside. Whoever's baby melted out of the ice cube first would win, and they would have to shout "My water broke!" Haha. My cousin Amanda won and the baby in the cup was a boy. A sign for Alex? We'll find out soon...(It's a surprise baby).

Trying to guess the gender? LOL

This was the diaper changing game. It was hilarious. We had 3 groups of six and whoever dressed the "baby" fastest won.

The "baby" we used. At one point, the tail was sticking out of the diaper. The visual had us all laughing our rear ends off.



Well...she does have to eat for two!

Love this! This was part of my sister's gift for Alex and even though the baby won't be Irish, it will grow up in a part Irish household :D

I took a picture of pretty much everything she got, which would be too much to post, so I wanted to just show the stuff I got her LOL

The bouncy thing...monkey themed of course!

Burt's Bees baby care stuff.

A boppy pillow + crib stuff.

This outfit I found while shopping at Century 21. It just so happened to be near the checkout and I grabbed it because the giraffe on the shirt reminded me of the one on the baby photo album I also got for her.

I found these @ KMart (a place I rarely ever go to) but it was right near the closest Babies R Us so I was like, why not take a look? Boy, am I glad!

My grandma (dad's mom) came to the shower too, even though Alex is from my mom's side but my grandma was always around when Alex was growing up (we are six years apart) and she was kind of like a grandma to Alex too. And let me tell you - my grandma gives the best cards. The envelopes are always adorned with the cutest stickers appropriate to the occasion.



One of the standouts of the shower was the guessing game - each guest had to fill out a brief survey of sorts. It consisted of the birthdate, gender, height, weight and time. Whoever's guesses are the closest wins a gift certificate for a manicure/pedicure at a spa. Not a bad prize, huh? Each guest put their address at the bottom to make it easy to contact the winner. Nearly everyone put boy but I know I am hoping it's a girl. Either way, I can't wait!

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